The Election Commission today jumped in to the action against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee`s biopic movie. EC have initiated steps to take down trailers of a biopic `Baghini' from at least three websites. After the chief electoral officer of West Bengal submitted a report on the biopic, titled 'Baghini' (tigress), the EC has initiated steps to ensure that the trailers are brought down. Though the producer has claimed that it is slated for release on May 3, an EC official said so far the Central Board for Film Certification has not issued it a certification. The BJP had approached the poll panel seeking a ban on the release of the movie till the election process is over.
24 Apr 2019
23 Apr 2019
sri lanka ignored india`s warning of threat hours before suicide attacks
April 21 the eve of Easter Sunday was end on most tragic in that nation. Three churches and four hotels were hit by suicide bombers on Sunday morning, killing 321 people and wounding 500, sending shockwaves through an island country Srilanka that has been relatively peaceful since a civil war ended a decade ago.Islamic terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks on Tuesday, without providing evidence of its involvement.Indian intelligence officers contacted their Sri Lankan counterparts two hours before the first attack to warn of a specific threat on churches, one Sri Lankan defense source and an Indian government source said.Another Sri Lankan defense source said a warning came “hours before” the first strike.One of the Sri Lankan sources said a warning was also sent by the Indians on Saturday night. The Indian government source said similar messages had been given to Sri Lankan intelligence agents on April 4 and April 20.Sri Lanka’s presidency and the Indian foreign ministry both did not respond to requests for comment.
IAF pilot abhinandan varthaman in new posting
Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman coming from Srinagar to yet another
essential air station in the western side field along the Pakistan perimeter.
Amid worries over his safety and security, the Air Force has actually published
The brand-new uploading at the airbase, whose title has actually been
actually concealed as a result of safety and security explanations, is actually
likewise a boxer foundation as well as if the police officer is actually gotten
rid of for soaring, he would certainly have the capacity to proceed his soaring
roles, the resources claimed.
Earlier today, Wing Commander Varthaman went
through health care exams at a Delhi- located location for ending up being
qualified to soar the MiG-21 s once again authorities resources said to ANI.
22 Apr 2019
srilanka bombings death toll raises to 290 in suiside terror attack
Bloody civil war ended 10 years ago in Srilanka relapses yesterday morning. Eight coordinated explosions that tore through churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday have killed at least 290 people and injured another 500, in what officials said. Now Srilanka folds in emergency all over the country. Police have arrested 24 people in connection with the suicide bombs, the worst violence the South Asian island has seen since its A ninth improvised explosive device (IED) was defused near the capital colombo's Bandaranaike International Airport on Sunday evening. The blasts appears to have targeted tourism hotspots, as well as churches, in a bid to gain maximum global attention. Foreign nationals are among the dead, including five British citizens, two of whom held dual US-UK nationality, three Indians, two Australians, two Chinese cousins, one person from the Netherlands, two Turkish citizens and one Portuguese person. No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. But Sri Lankan Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardene said the "terrorist incident" was carried out by those following "religious extremism."On Sunday evening it was revealed in a leaked memo that police had been warned of a potential attack by the Nations Thawahid Jaman (NTJ), an Islamist group led by Mohomad Saharan. It is unclear whether the information related to Sunday's bombings.NTJ is a little-known group, which has previously defaced Buddhist statues, and was unlikely to have the capacity or sophistication to execute an attack like Sunday's without assistance.While there is a known transnational Islamist presence in places such as Pakistan, Malaysia, and the Philippines, Jaishankar said little is known about Islamic radicalism in Sri Lanka and that it was "premature" to speculate on which organizations might have been involved.Christianity is a minority religion in Sri Lanka, accounting for less than 10% of the total population of 21.4 million. According to census data, 70.2% of Sri Lankans identify as Buddhist, 12% Hindu, 9.7% Muslim, and 7.4% Christian. It is estimated that 82% of Sri Lankan Christians are Roman Catholic.
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