22 Oct 2013


Silky Chickens...originated in china and famous there also. Silkies having Black skin and black flesh. On farm it is white but without the feathers it is a purpulish black color. The black chicken didnt look appealing, once they started cutting into it and all the meat was black. But they have higher iron content plus more nutrition.
                     The Silky is a breed of chicken named for its unique, fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as dark blue flesh and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, most chickens only have four. The Silky chicken could very well be the oldest pure breed in existence today and there have been several references to them.  According to Swiss Professor Konrad Gessner, even further than the first century as the breed was mentioned.
                   Chinese Silkies are believed to have originated in Asia, although despite the name, it is unclear whether it was in China, Japan or India. Amongst his many other exploits, Marco Polo is believed to have introduced this bird to the western world sometime between 1254 and 1324. The bantam Silky is a recognized poultry standard in America, England and Australia.  A recognized officially in the North America via acceptance in to the Standard of Perfection in 1874. Today, the breed is recognized for exhibition, and is fairly common in the poultry world.
                            Silkies are often considered a bantam breed, but this varies according to region, and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl. In the 21st century, Silkies are one of the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental breeds of chicken. The use of the Silky is very common today throughout the world.
Medicinal Values
Silkies were used In Chinese medicine where it was thought that they had curative propertied, However the Japanese have had great success making the Silkie one of their best exports.
                            Silkie Chicken Herbal Soup is often considered `tonic` soup because of the medicinal-cure tag that the Silkie Chicken carries. Silkie Chicken is nutritional (contains proteins - more than 10 types of amino acids, Vitamin Bs, and tonnes of trace minerals - iron, phosphorus, potasssium etc.); and considered much more nutritional than the common chicken breed. As it has More amino acids and iron, it is also believed to nourish our body (esp. the lungs and blood), enable us to fight fatigue, enhance our bones density, and beneficial for women (especially pregnants).
Interesting Facts
Silkies do not have usual feathers, and they cannot fly at all, thus making them easily contained, and they won’t venture very far if kept in a yard. Silkies cannot swim and water does not run off their back, so they can easily drown in swimming pools and other bodies of water.Silkies are a long-lived chicken, and stay beautiful, even when older. 
                                  Silkie bantam chickens are the best sitters in the world. A Silkie mother will never abandon her eggs, and will be a protective guardian of her babies. The Silkie is great layers of fairly large sized bantam eggs, and will lay well into winter, when other breeds of chickens have quit. They are quite gentle and adapt well to human handling.The males often possess many maternal instincts as well. A Silkies average lifespan is between 12 and 14 years, so long as they are allowed to graze and lead a happy life, show birds are expected to have a shorter life span. Silkies cannot swim and water does not run off their back, so they can easily drown in swimming pools and other bodies of water. Chinese Silkies come in two different types - bearded and non-bearded.

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