Safari zoo in Rancangua in central Chile, where vehicles takes visitors on a drive through a 5-acre enclosure that is home to six lions. The Parque safari Zoo something special and thrilling one. Where Humans are in Cages and Lions are On Top. Visitors ride inside a cage on the back of the truck. Then it's up to the lions to decide what they want to do: climb on the vehicle to eat the meat and look at the cowering humans below, or just lie down for a rest. The zoo gives thrill seekers a chance to tickle a lion's belly or touch its deadly claws with their hands from the safety of a cage mounted on a safari truck. Hunks of raw meat are thrown onto the top of the cage.
Visitors who are feeling brave can stick their fingers through the bars to stroke or prod the big cats.
The idea is for people to see wildlife in their natural habitat, in effect with the people caged up rather than the animals themselves.
The zoo located at Rancagua, Sexta RegiĆ³n del General Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins in Chile.
Timinings: 10:00 am – 6:30 pm.
These activities have become the hallmark of Rancagua Safari Park which has 120 animals in 70 species that roam 8 hectares in total freedom, but always controlled, especially cats.
Visits to the fascinating and extreme "Lions Safari" includes a trip aboard an extreme jeep, protected and reinforced gates for your safety. These vehicles have a capacity of 8-10 people each.
In this area you will find 6 lions in total freedom, but constantly monitored. The lion safari will expand in the future on a game of cats, for which it is expected to add to the path a pair of white lions and a tiger.
This tour has a duration of approximately 20 minutes in which we can shoot and see at a distance close to the Kings of the Jungle.

All this will be on board the "Serengeti Train" that is designed for our comfort and greater interaction with herbivores. In this kind of safari train enters an area of more than three hectares where these species.
As the vehicle carrying trays on both sides with alfalfa animals come to eat. It is an opportunity for children to give them food.
This tour includes a period of approximately 20 to 25 minutes., At which time we can share with these beautiful animals. The zoo has programs with special rates for birthday child entities.
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