Eight limbed Deepak Kumar Paswaan, (nicknamed octo-boy), in Buxar village in the east Indian state of Bihar was born with a rare condition called Parasitic Twin. A parasitic twin (also known as an asymmetrical or unequal conjoined twin) is the result of the processes that produce vanishing twins and conjoined twins, and may represent a continuum between the two. He had the arms and legs of an undeveloped twin growing out of his chest. The parasitic twin stopped developing in the womb leaving Deepak with arms, legs and buttocks protruding from his chest. It is clear that the parasitic twin shares Deepak’s blood supply. Dr. Manny Alvarez, managing editor of health at FoxNews.com and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Science at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey said that surgery would be extremely complicated, if not impossible due to the large amount of vascular structures that would need repairing. Deepak was exposed to the people in their village, he was being related or linked to and 8 limbed God in India. Some people have worshipped him for a while and the others attacked and hated him for they believed that He brings bad luck to the community people. The way Deepak treated was so heartbreaking, and because of this He had developed low self-esteem and suffered his whole life running and hiding. But in June 2010 top doctors at the Fortis Hospital Bangalore agreed to operate on Deepak's parasitic twin for free, saving his impoverished family the £50,000 it would have cost otherwise. He was scheduled for a surgery that lasted 4-hour operation at Fortis Hospital and with the help of sophisticated equipments and health professionals the procedure to separate Deepak Kumar Paswaan from his twin was a success. He is now living a normal and happy life.
2. Boy with 15 fingers and 16 toes:
A Chinese boy was born with 15 fingers and 16 toes. With a total of 31 fingers and toes combined, he broke the previous record of 25. The boy underwent a surgery which lasted for 5 hours to have his extra fingers and toes removed.
3. Girl with 4 arms and 4 legs:
A girl named Lakshmi Tatma from India was born with 4 arms and 4 legs. Her parents were laborers and couldn’t afford the expensive surgery to remove the extra limbs. Luckily, thirty doctors from Sparsh Hospital in Banglore did her surgery for free.
4. The boy with Extra head:
In 2004, a child named Manar was born with an undeveloped twin attached to his head. The extra head could smile and even blink. Only a year later, the extra head was removed, and the child’s mother appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show with her surviving child. Unfortunately, Manar passed away in 2006 due to a brain infection.
5. Baby with two faces:
Kangkang was born with an abnormality called transverse facial cleft, which gives him the appearance of having two faces (or wearing a mask). His parents finally managed to save enough money for the expensive treatment at the People Liberation Army’s Military Hospital.
6. The 3 legged Man:
Lentini was born in 1889 in Rosolini in the province of Sirocusa, Sicily as one of twelve children. While he was billed as ‘The Man With Three Legs’, Lentini actually had four feet as a small malformed secondary foot protruded from his third leg. Thus in total he had three legs, four feet, sixteen toes and two sets of functioning male gen** itals. Furthermore, to complicate his life further, all of Francesco’s legs were of different lengths. However, Lentini was a very charming man and his charm did not go unnoticed and a young lady named Theresa Murray soon took a liking to Lentini. The pair soon wed and together they had four healthy children. Lentini continued touring until he passed away at the age of seventy-eight in 1966.